List of Types of Whales

Types of Whales List

Whales are a diverse group of marine mammals, with a wide range of species found in oceans across the world. These species are classified into two main groups: baleen whales (Mysticeti) and toothed whales (Odontoceti). Here’s a list of some of the most recognized whale species:

Types of Whales List

Common NameScientific Name
Blue WhaleBalaenoptera musculus
Fin WhaleBalaenoptera physalus
Humpback WhaleMegaptera novaeangliae
Gray WhaleEschrichtius robustus
Minke WhaleBalaenoptera acutorostrata
Sei WhaleBalaenoptera borealis
Bryde’s WhaleBalaenoptera edeni
Bowhead WhaleBalaena mysticetus
North Atlantic Right WhaleEubalaena glacialis
Southern Right WhaleEubalaena australis
North Pacific Right WhaleEubalaena japonica
Pygmy Right WhaleCaperea marginata
Sperm WhalePhyseter macrocephalus
Pygmy Sperm WhaleKogia breviceps
Dwarf Sperm WhaleKogia sima
Beluga WhaleDelphinapterus leucas
NarwhalMonodon monoceros
Killer Whale (Orca)Orcinus orca
False Killer WhalePseudorca crassidens
Short-finned Pilot WhaleGlobicephala macrorhynchus
Long-finned Pilot WhaleGlobicephala melas
Northern Bottlenose WhaleHyperoodon ampullatus
Southern Bottlenose WhaleHyperoodon planifrons
Shepherd’s Beaked WhaleTasmacetus shepherdi
Blainville’s Beaked WhaleMesoplodon densirostris
Cuvier’s Beaked WhaleZiphius cavirostris
Sowerby’s Beaked WhaleMesoplodon bidens
Ginkgo-toothed Beaked WhaleMesoplodon ginkgodens
Pygmy Killer WhaleFeresa attenuata
Hector’s DolphinCephalorhynchus hectori

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